Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Rama shows his concern to Vishwamitra when entering the deserted forest near Badri

स वनं घोरसंकाशं दृष्ट्व नृपवरात्मजः
अविप्रहतमैक्ष्वाकः पप्रच्छ मुनिपुंगवं
अहो वनमिदं दुर्गं झिल्लिकागणनादितं
भैरवैः श्वापदैः कीर्णं शकुंतैर्दारुणारवैः
नानाप्रकारैः शकुनैर्वाश्यद्भिर्भैरवस्वनैः
सिंहव्याघ्रवराहैश्च वारणैश्चापि शोभितम्
संकीर्णं बदरीभिश्च किंन्विदं दारुणं वनं
तमुवाच महातेजा विश्वामित्रो महामुनिः
श्रूयतां वत्स काकुत्स्थ यस्यैतद्दारुणं वनम्
एतौ जनपदौ स्फीतौ पूर्वमास्तां नरोत्तम
मलदास्च करुषाश्च देवनिर्माण निर्मितौ

sa vanaM ghOrasaMkaashaM dRuShTva nRupavaraatmajaH
aviprahatamaikShwaakaH papracCa munipuMgavaM
ahO vanamidaM durgaM JillikaagaNanaaditaM
BairavaiH shwaapadaiH keerNaM shakuMtairdaaruNaaravaiH
naanaaprakaaraiH shakunairvaashyadbhirbhairavaswanaiH
siMhavyaaGravaraahaishca vaaraNaishcaapi shObhitam
saMkeerNaM badareebhishca kiMnvidaM daaruNaM vanaM
tamuvaaca mahaatEjaa vishwaamitrO mahaamuniH
shrUyataaM vatsa kaakutstha yasyaitaddaaruNaM vanam
Etou janapadou spheetou poorvamaastaaM narOttama
maladaasca karuShaashca dEvanirmaaNa nirmitou
Shloka Translation:

Seeing the destroyed forest the king of great souls
The Ikshwaku king who has not hurt the sages spoke to the great sage
This jungle is dark like fort and has full of cricket insect sounds
It is dark, horrible and doesn’t even get the Sun’s rays
There are different elements that seems to hypnotize in this forest
The forest is filled with Carnivorous animals like tiger and leopard
There are distinguished Rogue horses, poisonous trees and leaves
as a group surrounded into badari and why is this forest in a helpless state
addressing him spoke the great enlightened sage Vishwamitra
Listen Son of Kakutsa clan about this abandoned forest
This was filled with people guarded by excellent human beings
The good things and the greeneries are the produce created by Gods

The above verses can be found in the 23rd sarga of Balakanda from Valmiki Maharshi’s Ramayana, where Rama while entering into an abandoned forest at Badari asks Vishwamitra, the enlightened sage about its helpless state fully filled with wild carnivorous animals and poisonous trees and leaves and further asks as to what led to such a situation. Sage Vishwamitra begins to answer by stating that all the great things are created by Gods and further explains why the forest reached such a deserted state.

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