Thursday, March 27, 2014

Dasharatha's sons' true determination before protecting the rights of the sages

अथ तौ देशकालज्ञौ राजपुत्रावरिंदमौ
देशे काले वाक्यज्ञावब्रूतां कौशिकं वचः
भगवन् श्रोतुमिच्छावो यस्मिन्काले निशाचरौ
संरक्षिणीयौ तौ ब्रह्मन्नातिवर्तेत तत्क्षणं
एवम् ब्रुवाणौ काकुत्स्थौ त्वरमाणौ युयुत्सया
सर्वे ते मुनयः प्रीताः प्रशशंसुर्नृपात्मजौ
अद्य प्रभृति षड्रात्रं रक्षतं राघवौ युवाम्
दीक्षां गतो ह्येष मुनिर्मौनित्वं गमिष्यति
तौ तु तद्वचनं श्रुत्वा राजपुत्रौ यशस्विनौ
अनिद्रौ षडहोरात्रं तपोवनमरक्षताम्
उपासां चक्रतुर्वीरौ यत्तौ परमधन्विनौ
ररक्षतुर्मुनिवरं विश्वामित्रमरिंदमौ
अथ काले गते तस्मिन्षष्ठे अहनि समागते
सौमित्रमब्रवीद्रामो यत्तो भव समाहितः

atha tou dEshakaalaj~jou raajaputraavariMdamou
dEshE kaalE ca vaakyaj~jaavabrootaaM koushikaM vacaH
bhagavan shrOtumicChaavO yasminkaalE nishaacarou
saMrakShiNeeyou tou brahmannaativartEta tatkShaNaM
Evam bruvaaNou kaakutsthou twaramaaNou yuyutsayaa
sarvE tE munayaH preetaaH prashashaMsurnRupaatmajou
adya prabhRuti ShaDraatraM rakShataM raaghavou yuvaam
deekShaaM gatO hyESha munirmounitwaM ca gamiShyati
tou tu tadvacanaM shrutwaa raajaputrou yashaswinou
anidrou ShaDahOraatraM tapOvanamarakShataam
upaasaaM cakraturveerou yattou paramadhanvinou
rarakShaturmunivaraM vishwaamitramariMdamou
atha kaalE gatE tasminShaShThE ahani samaagatE
soumitramabraveedraamO yattO bhava samaahitaH

Shloka Translation:
After learning the region and the timezone, the greatest of the kingpins
In the region and during the relevant times they recollect what Koushika had taught
Dear Lord we would want to listen carefully when the demons are nearing
If they try to defend, make us like what you would do in that case, the very second
By mentioning this quickly, the sons of kakutstha clan
Set the attention of the sages and were appreciated by them
The sages requested for the six nights, the raghava youth to guard the place with responsibility
As the sages had taken the oath to be silent performing their duties
Hence, listening to the words of the sages, both the successful princes
Without sleeping for six long nights protected the meditation place in the forest
By roaming around circularly around the place, both the shrewd warriors
Protected the blessed sages and the great vishwamitra
After the time passed by and at the end of the sixth day
Soumitra told rama who had together taken the task of protection

The above is available in the 29th Sarga of Balakanda in Maharshi Valmiki’s Ramayana. Here the first shloka shows how Rama is attentive and what he asks the God, while he is conducting his duty. It further states the dedication on the part of Rama and Lakshmana how they both protected the meditation grounds of the Sage Vishwamitra while they were engaged in their penance. They had requested them to protect the place for six nights from the demons who they thought would be there to destroy their penance. The event goes further post the completion of the sixth day and in the next verses in the sarga.

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