Friday, March 28, 2014

Rama relieves siddhaashrama from the rakshasas

रामस्यैवं ब्रुवाणस्य त्वरितस्य युयुत्सय प्रजज्वाल ततो वेदिः सोपाध्यायपुरोहिता
मन्त्रवच्च यथान्यायं यज्ञो असौ सम्प्रवर्तते
आकाशे महाञ्शब्दः प्रादुरासीद्भयानकः
आवार्य गगनं मेघो यथा प्रावृषी निर्गतः
तथा मायां विकुर्वाणौ राक्षसावभ्यधावताम्
मारीचश्च सुबाहुश्च तयोरनुचरास्तथा
आगम्य भीमसङ्काशा रुधिरौघानवासृजान्
तावापतन्तौ सहसा दृष्ठ्वा राजीवलोचनः
लक्ष्मणं त्वभिसम्प्रेक्ष्य रामो वचनमब्रवीत्
पश्य लक्ष्मण दुर्वृत्तान्राक्षसान्पिशिताशनान्
मानवास्त्रसमाधूताननिलेन यथाघनान्
मानवं परमोदारमस्त्रं परमभास्वरम्
चिक्षेप परमकृद्धो मारीचोरसि राघवः
तेन परमास्त्रेण मानवेन समाहितः
सम्पूर्णं योजनशतं क्षिप्तः सागरसम्प्लवे
विचेतनं विघूर्णन्तं शीतेषुबलपीडितम्
निरस्तं दृश्य मारीचं रामो लक्ष्मणमब्रवीत्
पश्य लक्ष्मण शीतेषुं मानवं धर्मसंहितम्
मोहयित्वा नयत्येनं प्राणौर्वियुज्यते
इमानपि वधिष्यामि निर्घृणान्दुष्टचारिणः
विगृह्य सुमहस्च्चास्त्रमाग्नेयं रघुनन्दनः
सुबाहुरसि चिक्षेप विद्धः प्रापतद्भुवि
शेषान्वायव्यमादाय निजघान महायशाः
राघवः परमोदारो मुनीनां मुदमावहन्
हत्वा राक्षसान्सर्वान्यज्ञघ्नान्रघुनन्दनः
ऋषिभिः पूजितस्तत्र यथेन्द्रो विजये पुरा
आथ यज्ञे समाप्ते तु विश्वामित्रो महामुनिः
निरीतिका दिशो दृष्ट्वा काकुत्स्थमिदमब्रवीत्
कृतार्थो अस्मि महाबाहो कृतं गुरुवचस्त्वया
सिद्धाश्रममिदं सत्यं कृतं राम महायशः

raamasyaivaM bruvaaNasya twaritasya yuyutsaya
prajajwaala tatO vEdiH sOpaadhyaayapurOhitaa
mantravacca yathaanyaayaM yaj~jO asou sampravartatE
aakaashE ca mahaa~jshabdaH praaduraaseedbhayaanakaH
aavaarya gaganaM mEGO yathaa praavRuShee nirgataH
tathaa maayaaM vikurvaaNou raakShasaavabhyadhaavataam
maareechashca subaahushca tayOranucaraastathaa
aagamya bheemasa~gkaashaa rudhiroughaanavaasRujaan
taavaapatantou sahasaa dRuShThvaa raajeevalOcanaH
lakShmaNaM twabhisamprEkShya raamO vacanamabraveet
pashya lakShmaNa durvRuttaanraakShasaanpishitaashanaan
maanavaastrasamaadhootaananilEna yathaaghanaan
maanavaM paramOdaaramastraM paramabhaaswaram
cikShEpa paramakRuddhO maareecOrasi raaghavaH
sa tEna paramaastrENa maanavEna samaahitaH
sampoorNaM yOjanashataM kShiptaH saagarasamplavE
vicEtanaM vighoorNantaM sheetEShubalapeeDitam
nirastaM dRushya maareecaM raamO lakShmaNamabraveet
pashya lakShmaNa sheetEShuM maanavaM dharmasaMhitam
mOhayitvaa nayatyEnaM na ca praaNourviyujyatE
imaanapi vadhiShyaami nirghRuNaanduShTacaariNaH
vigRuhya sumahascchaastramaagnEyaM raghunandanaH
subaahurasi cikShEpa sa viddhaH praapatadbhuvi
shEShaanvaayavyamaadaaya nijaghaana mahaayashaaH
raaghavaH paramOdaarO muneenaaM mudamaavahan
sa hatvaa raakShasaansarvaanyaj~jaghnaanraghunandanaH
RuShibhiH poojitastatra yathEndrO vijayE puraa
Atha yaj~jE samaaptE tu vishwaamitrO mahaamuniH
nireetikaa dishO dRuShTvaa kaakutsthamidamabraveet
kRutaarthO asmi mahaabaahO kRutaM guruvachastwayaa
siddhaashramamidaM satyaM kRutaM raama mahaayashaH
Shloka Translation:
In order to speak to Rama the young one hurriedly went
The fire in the offering pedestial rose up high as the sages and the teacher
As they gave legitimate offering into the same while chanting mantras
Making sound high up to the sky and that resulted a frightening
As it rains from the sky through the clouds in the same way
Through magic there came demons advancing violently
Maareecha and Subaahu with their associates
Came with tremendous roar with blood and bad things to throw
As the Rajivalochana (Rama) saw this downfall of the sages
Looking at Lakshmana Rama said these words
Look Lakshmana the rakshasas with carnivorous and bad deeds
Driving away the human beings with solid and liquid stuff
The best among Humans being generous and with great knowledge in weapons
Rose up being angered to the core on maareecha, Rama
used his best weapon for the benefit of the humans
and threw him completely a hundred miles away through the sea
making him with disturbed mind and rolling eyes daunted by the cold
and away from the eyes, Rama mentioned these words to Lakshmana
Look lakshmana the cold and humans are bonded righteously
If one carries of with complete attachment the soul also doesn’t separate
Until opens their mind the sunshine will not be allowed into darkness
These demons who with ill deeds destroying the rituals pouring blood and related
Aiming the best arrow at the other one through the Fire and when left
It landed into Subaahu and made him fall to the south west of the world
The rest of them were thrown by him to the northwest
Then the great Raghava was applauded by the sages
As the Raghunandana had killed the destroyers of the rituals
The saints worshipped him like the Indra has won in his place
After the ritual was completed the great sage vishwamitra
Looking at the auspicious situation told to the kaakutstha
Mighty one, You have done the meaningful by fulfilling the promise to your Guru
In this siddhaashrama the truth has prevailed the Rama gets a great fame

The above verses are available in the 29th Sarga of Balakanda of Maharshi Valmiki’s Ramayana. This clearly mentions as to how Rama was confident in his approach to kill and throw away the wicked demons who destroyed the rituals of the sages as he gave the promise to vishwamitra. Later Vishwamitra by satisfied with his valour mentions that he would be the most successful one. While Rama threw Mareecha a 100 miles away into the sea through his great weapons, he killed Subahu and threw him to southwest and threw rest of the others to northwest, thus helping the sages to prevail and succeed in their ritual performances.

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