उत्सीदेयुरिमे लोका न कुर्या कर्म चेदहम्
संकरस्य च कर्ता स्यामुपहन्यामिमाः प्रजाः
सक्ताः कर्मण्यविद्वांसो यथा कुर्वंति भारत
न बुद्धिभेदम् जनयेदज्ञानां कर्मसंगिनाम्
जोषयेत्सर्वकर्माणि विद्वान्युक्तः समाचरन्
utsIdEyurimE lOkA na kuryA karma cEdaham
saMkarasya ca kartA syAmupahanyAmimAH prajAH
saktAH karmaNyavidvAMsO yathA kurvaMti BArata
na buddhiBEdam janayEdaj~jAnAM karmasaMginAm
jOShayEtsarvakarmANi vidvAnyuktaH samAcaran
Shloka Translation:
How much the world enthuses you do not work for a personal
Post doing good to the doer, the subjects are made redundant
O Bharatha, if the learned does the Karma being attached,
Those would also have the interest and make this world a jealousy store
No knowledge takes birth from dividing minds are understood
by the Doers of Karma
Like the Sun does its Karma, the learned practices his duty
with equilibrium
The above the famous verses from the Gita where Shri Krishna
sings and preaches this to Arjuna. He says what the Doer of the duties should
concentrate on and how the learned behaves. He adds that doing the duty with no
personal intentions would always be a grace and would help the world, otherwise
the world would become a repository of the jealous. Hence, he advises that as
the Sun does its duty spreading light without discrimination, the learned do their
duty being equal.
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