पुरा वृत्रवधे राम मलेन समभिप्लुतम्
क्षुधा चैव सहस्राक्षं ब्रह्महत्यया यदाविशत्
तमिंद्रं स्नापयन्देवा ऋषयष्च तपोधनाः
कलशैः स्नापयामासुर्मलं चास्य प्रमोचयन्
इह भूम्यां मलं दत्वा दत्वा करूषमेव च
शरीरजं महेंद्रस्य ततो ईर्ष प्रपेदिरे
निर्मलो निश्करूषश्च शुचिरिंद्रो यदाभवत्
ददौ देशस्य सुप्रीतो वरं प्रभुरनुत्तमम्
इमौ जनपदौ स्थीतौ ख्यातिं लोके गमिष्यतः
मलदाश्च करूषाश्च ममांगमलधारिणौ
साधु साध्वीति तं देवाः पाकशासनमब्रुवन्
देशस्य पूजां तां दृष्ट्वा कृतां शक्रेण धीमता
एतौ जनपदौ स्थीतौ दीर्घकालमरिंदम
मलदाश्च करूषाश्च मुदितौ धनधान्यतः
कस्य चित्वथ कालस्य यक्षी वै कामरूपिणि
बलं नागसहस्रस्य धारयंति तदा ह्यभूत्
ताटका नाम भद्रं ते भार्या सुंदस्य धीमतः
मरीचो राक्षसः पुत्रो यस्याः शक्रपराक्रमः
इमौ जनपदौ नित्यम् विनाशयति राघव
मलदांश्च करूषाश्च ताटका दुष्टचारिणी
सेयं पंथानमावार्य वसत्यत्यर्धयोजने
अत एव च गंतव्यं ताटकाय वनं यतः
स्वबाहुबलमाश्रित्य जहिमां दुष्टचारिणीम्
मन्नियोगादिमं देशं कुरु निष्कंटकं पुनः
न हि कश्चिदिमं देशं शक्रोत्यगंतुमीदृशम्
यक्षिण्या घोरया राम उत्सादिमसह्यया
एतत्ते सर्वमाख्यातं यथैतद्दारुणं वनम्
यक्ष्या चोत्सादितं सर्वमद्यापि न निवर्तते
puraa vRutravadhE raama malEna samabhiplutam
kShudhaa caiva sahasraakShaM brahmahatyayaa yadaavishat
tamiMdraM snaapayandEvaa RuShayaShca tapOdhanaaH
kalashaiH snaapayaamaasurmalaM caasya pramOcayan
iha bhoomyaaM malaM datwaa datwaa karooShamEva ca
shareerajaM mahEMdrasya tatO eerSha prapEdirE
nirmalO nishkarooShashca shuciriMdrO yadaabhavat
dadou dEshasya supreetO varaM prabhuranuttamam
imou janapadou stheetou khyaatiM lOkE gamiShyataH
maladaashca karooShaashca mamaaMgamaladhaariNou
saadhu saadhweeti taM dEvaaH paakashaasanamabruvan
dEshasya poojaaM taaM dRuShTvaa kRutaaM shakrENa dheemataa
Etou janapadou stheetou deerghakaalamariMdama
maladaashca karooShaashca muditou dhanadhaanyataH
kasya chitwatha kaalasya yakShee vai kaamaroopiNi
balaM naagasahasrasya dhaarayaMti tadaa hyabhoot
taaTakaa naama bhadraM tE bhaaryaa suMdasya dheemataH
mareecO raakShasaH putrO yasyaaH shakraparaakramaH
imou janapadou nityam vinaashayati raaghava
maladaaMshca karooShaashca taaTakaa duShTachaariNee
sEyaM paMthaanamaavaarya vasatyatyardhayOjanE
ata Eva ca gaMtavyaM taaTakaaya vanaM yataH
swabaahubalamaashritya jahimaaM duShTacaariNeem
manniyOgaadimaM dEshaM kuru niShkaMTakaM punaH
na hi kashcidimaM dEshaM shakrOtyagaMtumeedRusham
yakShiNyaa ghOrayaa raama utsaadimasahyayaa
EtattE sarvamaakhyaataM yathaitaddaaruNaM vanam
yakShyaa cOtsaaditaM sarvamadyaapi na nivartatE
Shloka Translation:
Post the killing of Vrutra, the region has overflown with dirt and waste
sahasraaksha moved out in repentance of the killing of a
He the Indra, begged pardon to Gods and the Meditating sages
As he had discharged the dirt of his tears into the divine
Then he released that on this Earth which caught the dirt of
The body of Mahendra was released out of all the jealousy
Being without bad things in mind and clean, Indra had become
He the excellent lord, then gave a boon after being happy to
this region
That this great place will become famous in all the worlds
and will be known
Because of having borne the bad things and dirt of his body
The Gods and goddesses will be like Sages and the hermit
wives and not speak about bad governance
He gave this boon after visualizing the patriotic deeds of
the great people
This boon stayed with the people for long time, oh the
killer of foes
With his dirt and waste borne by this land, there emerged
great wealth and prosperity
And then there came a spirit who can change form as she
Who bore in her, the strength of thousand snakes
She is known as Thaataka, the wife of a Sundaka
And mareecha who is mighty and powerful demon is their son
They destroy all the beings here as their routine, hey
Thaataka is worst than Indra’s body dirt and waste
She has come over here and been residing taking this region
as hers
We are now entering into the region where Thaataka lives
With your, self-valour and strength, please kill this wicked
And protect this region to get back the same happiness again
The people in this region never expected this bad omen
Oh Rama, this terrible spirit is horrible and gets enthused
with wrong doings
She has taken over the whole of this forest and hence it is
in this stranded state
Her whole excitement shouldn’t repeat over here again
The above verses can be found in the 23rd Sarga
of Valmiki Maharshi’s Ramayana. When asked by Rama about the fate of the deserted
forest, Sage Vishwamitra starts explaining how the forest had got a boon from
Indra and for long time how well it had flourished. He further mentions that a
wicked spirit by name Thaataka entered the forest alongwith her family and
destroyed the the greenery and the greatness of this place. He requests Rama to
destroy her excitement of conquering the whole forest and making it an abandoned
one completely. He asks him to kill her and enlighten the region with the same
happiness again.
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