राज्ञो दशरथस्य त्वमयोध्याधिपतेर्विभो
धर्मज्ञस्य वदान्यस्य महर्षिसमतेजसः
तस्य भार्यासु तिसृषु ह्रीश्रीकीर्त्यपमासु च
विष्णो पुत्रत्वमागच्छ कृत्वात्मानं चतुर्विधम्
तत्र त्वं मानुषो भूत्वा प्रवृद्धं लोककंटकम्
अवध्यं दैवतर्विष्णो समरे जहि रावणम्
स हि देवान् सगंधर्वान् सिद्धांश्च ऋषिसत्तमान्
राक्षसो रावणो मूर्खो वीर्योत्सेकेन बाधते
daSarathasya tvamayOdhyAdhipatErviBO
vadAnyasya maharShisamatEjasaH
BAryAsu tisRuShu hrISrIkIrtyapamAsu ca
putratvamAgacCa kRutvAtmAnaM caturvidham
tatra tvaM
mAnuShO BUtvA pravRuddhaM lOkakaMTakam
daivatarviShNO samarE jahi rAvaNam
sa hi
dEvAn sagaMdharvAn siddhAMSca RuShisattamAn
rAvaNO mUrKO vIryOtsEkEna bAdhatE
Shloka Translation:
He is Raja Dasharatha who is the King of Ayodhya
He is righteous, well spoken and equivalent to a Maharshi
In order to turn the blame as blessing to his three wives
Hey Vishnu, please arrive as Sons by dividing your soul into four
Then you Being a Human, destroy the worldly affecting power
And kill Ravana in a battle, who has become undefeated
By the Devas, Gandharvas and the Rushis who have attained Siddhi
He is Ravana, the foolish rakshasa troubles with his over enthused valour
The above shloka can be found in the 14th Sarga of Valmiki Maharshi's Ramayana. Here, The surasattama (a group of Gods) are asking Vishnu (during Dasharatha's Putra KaameShThi yaga in order to beget Sons from his three wives) to divide his soul into four parts and become Dasharatha's sons and then being a human being please destroy a demon who troubles everyone with his power and thinks that as a valour. This clearly shows that everything is predecided and Rama's birth happened due to bring in peace to the world by killing the wicked demon. However, Rama's path was formed as if he was a human being, but rises to the top when it comes to righteousness and Governance defined by him in all respects. One has to remember that he is a major portion of Vishnu's Soul and he is no ordinary.
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