I would like to start this by bowing to Maharshi Valmiki and Maharshi Vyasa who have provided the great epics, which if read in their original verses will lead to greater enlightenment in one's life.
तपःस्वाध्यायनिरतं तपस्वी वाग्विदां वरम्
This is a beginning sentence of the very first shloka from the Valmiki Ramayana. It is the first line from Balakanda.
What does this mean?
तपः : Tapaha: Means the heat, urge, passion, keenness, enthusiasm to do something
स्वाध्याय : Swaadhyaya: This denotes "learning on one's own ability" or "Self-Learning" or "Self-Study" to accomplish the objectives
निरतं: Niratam: to accomplish the objectives, one need to do it as a routine. So, niratam means always, continuous, permanent, constant, eternally, ceaselessly, persistently..one would follow to accomplish the objective.
What do one get if "तपःस्वाध्यायनिरतं" or "Tapasswaadhyayaniratam" is conducted:
The person would become
तपस्वी: Tapasvi: This is a person who gains something by doing all the necessary to accomplish the objectives
वाग्विदां वरम्: Vaagvidaam Varam: This person is blessed with the boon (varam) to talk (vaak) about various knowledge areas that has been acquired (vidaam).
नारायणं नमस्कृत्य नरम चैव नरोत्तमम|
देवीम सरस्वतीम चैव ततो जयमुदीरयेत ||
The above shloka is the very first shloka of the Mahaabhaarata written by the Brahmarshi Vyaasa also known as "KrishnaDwaipaayana".
It means that bowing to Narayana-who is an individual here and the best amongst all human beings, and Saraswati who would grant victory.
This is a great shloka that highlights that one should be able to achieve something beacuse that is granted by the divine, so one should always bow down to and thank divine for giving us such great things in life.
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