Monday, October 28, 2013

Lord Krishna talks about the traits of Atma

नासतो विद्यतॆ भावो नाभावो विद्यते सतः
उभयोरपि दृष्टो अंतस्त्वनयोस्तत्वदर्शिभिः
अविनाशि तु तद्विद्धि येन सर्वमिदम् ततम्
विनाशमव्ययस्यास्य न कश्चित्कर्तुमर्हति
अंतवंत इमे देहा नित्यस्योक्ताः शरीरिणः
अनाशिनो अप्रमेयस्य तस्माद्युध्यस्व भारत
य येनम् वेत्ति हंतारम् यश्चैनम् मन्यते हतम्
उभौ तौ न विजानीतो नायं हंति न हन्यतॆ

naasatO vidyatE bhaavO naabhaavO vidyatE sataha
ubhayOrapi dRuShtO antastwanyOstatwadarshibhihi
aviniaashi tu tadviddhi yena tashchitkartumarhati
antavanta imE dEhaa nityasyOktaaha shareeriNaha
anaashinO apramEyasya tasmaadyudhyaswa bhaarata
ya yenam vEtti hantaaram yashcainam manyatE hatam
ubhou tou na vijaaneetO naayam hanti na hanyatE

Shloka Meaning:

The untrue doesn’t tell the feelings, the non-feelings doesn’t tell the truth
If seen between the two the end result would be a philosophical visualization
Understand that this, which is everywhere, cannot be destroyable
This, which cannot be expensed, one probably has the ability to destroy
After the end of stay in one form, taking another form is its routine
This is cannot be destroyed, immeasurable and hence you need to fight bhaaratha
It should be learnt that this cannot be killed nor one can think of killing it
If you couldn’t understand the two, one cannot kill or get killed by this.

These are the famous preaching lines from the Lord Krishna in his Bhagavadgita, which explains how emotions and anything else doesn't work, if one understands that the atma is present everywhere and it remains forever not destroyed and immeasurable. He adds that after completion of all its tasks in one form, the atma moves to another form to assume its fresh duties.

Sunday, October 20, 2013

Before commencing Brahmajigyaasa from Sri Sri Shankara bhagavadpada

एवमयमादिरनंतो नैसर्गिको अध्यासो मिथ्याप्रत्ययरूपः
कर्तृत्वभोक्तृत्वप्रवर्तकः सर्वलोकप्रत्यक्षः
अस्यानर्थहेतोः प्रहाणाय आत्म एकत्व
विद्याप्रतिपत्तये सर्वे वेदांता आरभ्यंते
यथा च अयमर्थः सर्वेषां वेदांतानां अथा
वयमस्यां शरीरकमीमांसायां प्रदर्शयिष्यामः
वेदांतमीमांसशास्त्रस्य व्याचिख्यासितस्येदमादिमं सूत्रं....

EvamayamaadiranantaO naisargikO adhyaasO mithyaapratyayaroopaha
kartrutwabhOktrutwapravartakaha sarvalOkapratyakShaha
asyaanarthahEtOho prahaaNaaya aatma Ekatwa
vidyaapratipattayE sarvE vEdaantaa aarabhyante
yathaa ca ayamarthaha sarvEShaam vEdaantaanaam athaa
vayamasyaam shareerakmeemaamsaayaam pradarshayishyaamaha
vedaantameemaamsashaastrasya vyachikyaasitasyEdamaadimam sootram

Shloka Meaning

This doesn't have a beginning nor an ending and by nature it is in the form of an illusion
it creates, enjoys, rewrites and is present in all the worlds
hence in order to reach that it requires the oneness of the aatma or the soul
which all the vedaantas or the upanishads preach in the form of lessons
as we can understand in the vedaantaas or the upanishads
that imbibes and famously visualizes the natural duties of the beings
alongwith the principles of the vedaantas we will understand more in these sutras

Here, Sri Sri Shankara Bhagavadpada is already talking about who this Brahma is, with a slight introduction, he plunges into the chapter of "Brahma Jigyaasa" mentioning it as "Athaa to brahmajigyaasa'. By reciting these, he is actually translating the 'Brahma Sutras', making it easier for the normal humans to understand what are those hidden treasures in the scripts that talks about something which cannot be seen and is called  known as 'Brahma' from ages.