अन्नाद्भवति भूतानि पर्जन्यादन्नसंभवः
यज्ञाद्भवति पर्जन्यो यज्ञ कर्मसमुद्भवः
कर्म ब्रह्मोद्भवम् विद्धि ब्रह्माक्षरसमुद्भवम्
तस्मात्सर्वगतम् ब्रह्म नित्यम् यज्ञे प्रतिष्ठितम्
एवम् प्रवर्तितम् चक्रं नानुवर्तयतीह यः
Annadbhavati bhootaani parjanyaadannasambhavaha
yajnyaadbhavati parjanyo yajnya karma samudbhavaha
karma brahmodbhavam viddhi brahmaaksharasamudbhavam
tasmaatsarvagatam brahma nityam yajnye prtishTitam
evam pravartitam chakram naanuvartayateeha yaha
Shloka Meaning:
Life is
created because of food and food is created because of rain and water
Rain comes
in with the offerings and homage, while the homage is created by the deeds
Karma is
destined by the Brahma and Brahma is created by the one non-extinguishable
That is why
everything leads to Brahma with homage as the means to reach
Here, this
wheel keeps rotating without replicating the same
The is a great shloka from Bhagavadgita where the Lord Krishna answers Arjuna as to what is required for any being to attain Brahma.