Monday, September 3, 2012

Human Being with 14 qualities

Praachetasa (Valmiki) Maharshi has already done the great introduction of Sri Rama to this world about 7500 Years ago. But what I'm trying to do here is reiterate some of key introductory notes written in our Dharma Grantha "रामायण".

The 14 Qualities of a Human Being as asked by Valmiki Maharshi to Brahmarshi Narada.

The Divine Book of Ramayana starts with Valmiki Maharshi asking a great question to Naarada Brahmarshi providing the list of those 14 qualities and asking whether was there any person existed with all those qualities as below:
1. अस्मिन्साम्प्रतम लोके: AsminSaampratam Loke: Who the world praises and prays as the Best!

2. गुणवान: Gunavaan: Who has the great attitude

3. वीर्यवान: Veeryavaan: Who is valorous

4. धर्मग्न्य: Dharmagnya: Who has the knowledge of righteousness

5. कृतग्न्य: Krutagnya: Who has the knowledge of gratitude

6. सत्यवाक्यो ध्रुडवृतः Satyavaakyo DhruDavrata: Who follows the Difficult Penance for following and protecting Truth

7. चारित्रेण को युक्तः CharitrEna kO yuktaha: Who has a great temperament

8. सर्वभूतेषु को हितः Sarvabhooteshu ko hitaha: Who is a friend to all the living beings

9. विद्वान्कः समर्थः कः Vidvaankaha Samarthaha kaha: Who is very versed with education

10. एक प्रियदर्शनः Cha Eka priyadarshanaha: Who can attract with the first sight

11. आत्मवान्को: AatmavaankO: Who understands, values and respects the soul within

12. जितक्रोधो: JitakrOdhO: Who has won over anger and all wishes

13. मितामान्को अनसूयकः MitamaankO Anasooyakaha: Who is Reserved but loved for the same.

14. कस्य बिभ्यति देवाश्च जातरोषस्य संयुगे: Kasya BiBhyati DEvaashcha jaatarOShasya samyuge: To whom the Gods even Fear when he is angered.

Who do we have amongst us with these qualities? Even if we achieve a few of the above, we should be able to achieve great things, which normal beings can't.

Upon request of Valmiki Maharshi, what did Narada Brahmarshi say? Await for my next post